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Showing posts from July, 2021

Why is L&D still not part of the Business Strategy?

  Why is L&D still not part of the Business Strategy? This is the ultimate question for L&Ders. Why do most companies still see learning and development as separate to the business? We’ve all read that we should use the same language and build stronger relationships with the business, but what does that mean? To know this we need first to look at how L&D is different. A traditional learning and development department often doesn’t have the same focus as the business. The most significant of these is content: L&D habitually speaks and thinks in conceptual terms like Leadership Skills, Team Building or Negotiation Skills. How can this ever relate to a business that thinks in terms of Increased Market Share, Improved Revenue or Increased Profitability? In a nutshell, L&D tends to be Activity Driven and has no clear business purpose. A traditional learning & development team doesn’t even work under the same premiss as the business. Out of these, the issue that most

Some times Learning and Development doesn't fit.

Sometimes Learning and Development doesn't fit. It's time for a rant. I know that I am an L&D professional and this post may seem counter intuitive, but L&D needs to step up and claim its place in the business. Why do most businesses completely miss the opportunities Learning & Development bring in the modern age? It's probably because L&D in most small to medium sized businesses and some less enlightened large businesses and major corporations is still the little backwater to provide training when managers deem it the right solution. We all hear that learning professionals need to adapt to business, talk in business terms, curate content and so on. Isn't L&D supposed to help the business to resolve its issues? So why, oh why does business, and to a degree L&D itself always fall back to "What TRAINING do you need?" We are surely, or at least we should be, way past this by now. We all know tL&D professionals are supposed to ask lots